A Ray Kappe Photo Essay

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A Ray Kappe Photo Essay

by SweisKloss
July 29, 2021
Visionary. Theorist. Luminary. These are just a few words to describe Ray Kappe, a forward-thinking architect who made an indelible imprint on architecture. His award-winning designs can be spotted in a multitude of areas throughout Southern California. When we think of Ray Kappe, the first thing that comes to mind is the impact he made as an educator in the field of architecture and design.

Kappe taught at USC and was the founding chairman of Cal Poly Pomona’s architecture department before he founded SCI-Arc (Southern California Institute for Architecture), a top tier architecture school. In a 2006 Curbed interview, Kappe said, “When an endeavor like SCI-Arc begins, it is only natural that it generates activism and cooperation…the school was a true exploration into the social and behavioral aspects of the architectural education process.”

On a personal note, Ray Kappe was friends with fellow educator Martin Gelber, who was a professor, mentor, and friend to Abeer. Martin passed around the same time as Ray at the end of 2019, and both are dearly missed. Ray and Martin’s common beliefs in the formation and practice of outstanding education inspired their colleagues and made a lasting impression on students.

It goes without saying that we are fans of the homes Kappe designed. If we were to delve into detail as to how insightful and thoughtful his modernist approach to design was, well, how much time do you have? Instead, here is a photo essay of some our favorites, including his own residence in the Pacific Palisades (photo shown above). View them with this in mind…one of Kappe’s important principles: “Always be willing to explore, experiment, and invent. Do not accept the status quo.”

Images used for boards were sourced from Arc Con, Architecture Now, Dwell, MEM Daily, Metalocus, M Weekly, and Wallpaper.
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