Modernism Week in Palm Springs



Modernism Week in Palm Springs

by SweisKloss
July 22, 2021
Palm Springs is the hottest place to see the largest concentration of preserved mid-century modern homes by a who’s who list of prolific architects from that era. Architectural design so revered that not only is there an annual celebration but a preview event leading up to that celebration. The non-profit organization Modernism Week was created in 2006, and they started Modernism Week (the event) to showcase mid-century design, architecture, art, fashion, and culture.

What exactly is the Modernism Week event? It’s a festival of more than 350 events including the Modernism Show + Sale, films, lectures, nightly parties, live music, walking and bike tours, garden tours, fashion, exhibitions, and Signature Tour Homes that takes place every February in Palm Springs. In addition, Modernism Week hosts the “mini-Modernism week” in the fall to kick off the recreational season with a preview of what’s to come for the February celebration.

When we said there are homes in Palm Springs done by some of the most renowned architects of the modernist movement, we weren’t overstating. A mere self-guided tour of the area will yield a viewing of some incredible built structures—not just homes—designed by the likes of Richard Neutra, William Cody, John Lautner, Albert Frey, A. Quincy Jones, Donald Wexler, Ray Kappe, and Paul R. Williams.




Whether it’s a home, a hotel, a museum, or other city buildings like the visitor’s center, modernism was interpreted to suit the desert lifestyle with minimalist lines and a clear understanding of blending and blurring the line between indoor + outdoor spaces. Flat or butterfly roofs are prevalent design features along with expansive windows and glass doors, all combined with building materials that help reduce heat.

In addition to putting on the annual event, Modernism Week focuses on their charitable mission by awarding scholarships to local students pursuing college educations in the fields of architecture and design. They also support local and state preservation organizations and neighborhood groups in their efforts to preserve modernist architecture throughout the state of California.

The Fall Preview dates are October 14-17, and tickets go on sale August 1, 2021. Modernism Week will take place February 17-27, 2022. For more information, click here.
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