Making Sense of Color When Designing a Home



Making Sense of Color When Designing a Home

by SweisKloss
August 5, 2021
Feeling blue, green with envy, and tickled pink are just a few idioms we use to express a mood related to a certain color. So, it would make sense that there is such a thing as color psychology—the theory of assigning emotions to colors—when it comes to designing a space and why choosing colors for a home should be a thoughtful exploration of palettes.

While perceptions of color can be at bit subjective, studies have shown there are colors that produce the same psychological effects on a universal level. Translating this into home design, think about a room or an area that makes you feel calm. Does it have cool tones of blues and greens? How about a space that makes you feel energized?

Cool tones evoke emotions of healing and tranquility. Warm tones create feelings of cheer and sociability. Let’s not forget about where black and white fall on the spectrum. Black gives off a sense of formality and sophistication while white reminds us of freshness and simplicity. Also note that lighter hues make a space look more expansive while darker shades create a more intimate look, both of which contribute to the mood of an environment.


Keep in mind too much of the same color could throw off the visual interest of a room; balance is key. For example, if we design a space using cooler tones, we will then incorporate neutrals and warmer accents to add pleasing points for the eye. We also consider the coloring of other materials and furnishings. Highlighting artwork or other more colorful home pieces would need a more subtle colored backdrop.

Lifestyle and geographical location are factors to think about as well. Because we work on California homes, we get the opportunity to design a lot of indoor-outdoor spaces, which many homeowners see as their place of sanctuary even if at times it’s a place to entertain and gather. Our approach is to take inspiration from nature and pull in colors that reflect and complement the west coast landscapes.

With so many colors to choose from, looking at paint swatches can get overwhelming. We recommend figuring out which rooms you would like in cool or warm tones (note: neutrals can go cool or warm), then narrow down to lighter hues or darker shades. If you can’t paint samples directly on the wall, then attach the paint swatches and look at it at different times of the day to see how the lighting affects the coloring. And think about how you want to feel when stepping into the space.

Color is such an important visual stimulation to practically everything we do and see. It contributes to our mental well-being and is one of the best ways to express our personality.
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