Meet Construction Superintendent Andy Oldfield

Photo: April Roche Photography

Meet Construction Superintendent Andy Oldfield

by SweisKloss
October 21, 2021
Finding the right person to oversee our project sites is extremely important to us. Construction Superintendents are at the site daily making sure everything runs smoothly through all phases of construction. Without question, it’s a demanding position. When we met with Andy Oldfield about being a Construction Superintendent for us, we knew his high energy and enthusiasm would be the right fit for our team.

Andy was born and raised in Santa Monica and knows the area well. He grew up with parents who were in the business of building and managing properties in Santa Monica. Andy’s love of creativity and construction led him to receive a BA degree from Humboldt State University where he majored in Film and minored in Construction Management.

Before joining SweisKloss, Andy worked in a superintendent capacity for the Apple Campus 2 Project, a 175-acre campus project with rigorous building standards, including running 100% on renewable energy and accommodating 12K employees. But his interest came back around to residential design + construction. He finds genuine gratification in building beautiful homes that will be enjoyed by so many.

When we asked him about his time so far at SweisKloss, he said, “Working at SweisKloss with Jeff, Abeer, and the SK Team has been like working with one big family. I feel honored to be at SweisKloss and learn from everyone’s amazing traits, abilities, and intelligence.”

Andy has been heading up our most recent ground-up construction of a new home in Santa Monica. We have a daily SweisKloss team meeting, and he is always incredibly positive and proud when he goes over the project. He said, “It has been the most invaluable learning experience, especially constructing the basement. Everything that goes into the phases is monumental and makes me appreciate the people and the energy to get it all completed. It makes me want to do more!”

His enthusiasm is infectious, and we are really happy to have him as part of our SweisKloss family. When Andy isn’t at a job site, he entertains himself with all things football—he received a full college scholarship—and in his spare time does photography and goes surfing, snowboarding, biking, and fishing.
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