Danica O. Kus Captures Architecture

Photos © Danica O. Kus Photography

Photos © Danica O. Kus Photography

Danica O. Kus Captures Architecture

by SweisKloss
October 14, 2021
Every so often we like using our blog as a platform to recognize successful and inspiring women in all aspects of architecture. When we discovered the beautiful architectural imagery by photographer Danica O. Kus, we couldn’t stop admiring the way she captures the artistic breath and beauty of architecture.

We love art in all forms, especially when it involves the artistry of exceptionally designed built environments, whether it’s here in California or elsewhere. Photographers help us to see architecture from all over the world. And when photographers capture moments in time in such a way that clearly shows their respect of the subject matter, it can be masterful.

Seeing Kus’ work immediately struck a chord with us. In an interview with mpb.com, we found why we were drawn to her work. In one response, she said, “I am aware that I always look for light, how the light falls into space, and how [it] creates new shapes and forms. I also pay attention to sound, temperature, smell, material. I’d like to explore the atmosphere of the space and bring it to my photographs.” She also sees architecture “as poetry” and as “an emotional experience.”
Photo: Series “Architectural Detail” © Danica O. Kus Photography

Photo: Series “Architectural Detail” © Danica O. Kus Photography

Kus has a list a mile long of awards and recognitions, and her work has been published and exhibited in numerous publications and exhibitions, respectively. She has been participating in the London Festival of Architecture (LFA) since 2018, and she had an exhibition in 2020 titled “A Vision for the Future: Sustainable Buildings” in which she showcased photographs of sustainable built structures from the London area.

Kus photographs mostly contemporary architecture, but she has a deep appreciation for architectural heritage and gets excited to shoot historical buildings, restorations, and constructions. She also finds that working as a female architectural photographer gives her a chance to present an additional view of architecture compared to her male counterparts.

We look forward to following Kus’ architectural journey. To learn more about Danica O. Kus Photography and see the rest of her portfolio, click here.
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