From Our Home to Yours…Have a Happy Thanksgiving



From Our Home to Yours…Have a Happy Thanksgiving

by SweisKloss
November 26, 2020
Even in the midst of a worldwide pandemic, I am certain each of us could still list off many things we are grateful for. Our list may look a little differently this year, but finding something to appreciate each day has helped me get through this unprecedented year.

I am thankful that our staff and colleagues have stayed safe and healthy—they are my people. I am thankful that SweisKloss has been able to work on wonderful projects with creative-minded clients. I am thankful for my family and friends who make me smile and laugh. I am thankful that I’ll be able to sit at a table this Thanksgiving surrounded by the people I love most.

I asked our staff what they are most grateful for, and here’s what some of them had to say:

“I am grateful to have friends and family to lean on and support one another, to make each other laugh, and find moments of joy during trying times. And I’m grateful for these trying times, because this is what shakes things up, forces us to reflect on what is really important in life, and drives us to make positive changes that will ultimately lead to a better future.”

“The outdoor nature of LA! We’ve been doing short hikes consistently during quarantine. It helps us get away for a while and just be in nature. Our fur child, Tin! We’ve been spending more time than ever with him. Close-knit friends; we’ve chosen a select few folks to hangout with given the pandemic. Finally, SweisKloss! I feel blessed to still be working, and I’m busier than ever.”

“I am grateful for the very thin silver lining around the giant black cloud of COVID-19. I have taken this ‘opportunity’ to work REALLY remotely; I am living in WA State with my mom at her house. Together we have meals and cocktail hour(s), watch Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy (naturally), and take my cats for walks around the neighborhood in the stroller she bought the day we arrived. The cats have shown their gratitude by breaking an heirloom wine glass, sharpening their nails on her rugs, and vomiting around the house. We'll probably be sent home soon.”

“I’m grateful to be part of SweisKloss, which provides a wonderful environment full of incredible learning experiences. I am so grateful to have my kids with me and to be able to still work remote and take care of them. In times of pandemics, we value our health even more and having our loved ones beside us.”

“Staying healthy! California weather and the vast amount of nice places to be outdoors. Close friends and family who always know the right things to say. A hubby and kids capable of rallying during a pandemic lockdown. Being employed at a job I enjoy. Zoom, Teams, FaceTime and all other love/hate technological ways of connecting virtually. Netflix, of course. Postmates (you do know they can deliver Salt + Straw ice cream, right?). Books and book club. The heroes of Covid-19: healthcare workers; public health experts; essential workers; first responders; teachers; and so many more. And I am thankful that we all will hopefully come out of this more aware, more strong, more patient, more united, and more kind to one another.”
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