“The View From Here” is Quite Impressive

Source: aplusd.org.com

Source: aplusd.org.com

“The View From Here” is Quite Impressive

by SweisKloss
January 14, 2020
Last summer we heard that the A+D (Architecture + Design) Museum was closing their physical location in downtown LA and moving to a hybrid model of virtual programming and pop-up exhibits in different cities. A museum that “explores the definitions of architecture and design, from the conceptual to professional practice,” A+D has become well known, especially to those of us in Los Angeles.

As with many other organizations during the pandemic, A+D had to shift to a new way of thinking on how to operate. They were already leaning toward virtual presentations, even before the pandemic hit, but we wondered how they would proceed in sharing their exhibits to museum devotees. While nothing can quite compare to an in-person visit to the space they had in the Arts District, we are pleased to see that they have fulfilled their promise of online programs.

We were impressed with A+D’s video series “The View From Here” when it launched a couple months ago, and we are happy to see that it is still available. It is a “series of conversations with Black American designers and artists focused on exploring how the environment of Black neighborhoods impacted the work of the creatives over time.”

One video is with RA1x’s founder and LA-based designer Robert-Alexander and how growing up in a black neighborhood affected and inspired his architectural design sensibilities. “The View From Here” also includes video conversations with other artists, either emerging or established. All in all, the series is a thoughtful collaboration between A+D Museum and these creative professionals and well worth watching.

So while we continue to hunker down and look for every conceivable way to stay in touch with the rest of the world during a pandemic lockdown, we deem it important to virtually check in on our beloved museums. We look forward to A+D’s programming for 2021 and seeing what’s next on their calendar of events. To learn more about A+D Museum and to see the video series, click here.
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