SweisKloss, One of the Sustainable Quality Award (SQA) 2022 Grand Prize Winners

SweisKloss, One of the Sustainable Quality Award (SQA) 2022 Grand Prize Winners

by SweisKloss
April 7, 2022
As you all may already know, SweisKloss has been a Santa Monica Certified Green Business since the end of 2019, and we could not have been happier when we accomplished this certification. Now, we are pleased to share that Sustainable Works recently notified us that we're to be awarded as one of the recipients of the SQA Grand Prize this year. We would like to thank them as well as the city of Santa Monica and the SM Chamber of Commerce.

SQA was developed in 1995, and according to Sustainable Works, the award was established “to identify and recognize businesses exhibiting an awareness of sustainability in their operating principles. The SQA is the oldest and most recognized sustainable business awards program in Southern California.” 163 businesses have been recognized by SQA.

Businesses that are members of the Santa Monica Chamber of Commerce or located in Santa Monica are eligible for nomination. SweisKloss was nominated by another business and went through the incredibly comprehensive application process. A team of Chamber, City and community representatives determined annual award winners from the three possible categories. SweisKloss submitted for all three categories: Stewardship of the Environment, Economic Development, and Social Responsibility. Businesses achieving excellence in all three categories are awarded the grand prize.

When Abeer started the company almost 24 years ago, she was of the mindset of having a business that consistently contributed to the community in a sustainable way. As SweisKloss grew in number of employees and projects, it was important that the design and construction environment foster creativity and nurture personal and professional growth, while being committed to a balanced quality of work/life.

Although we had already implemented many eco-friendly practices at SweisKloss, going through the Santa Monica Certified Green Business process with Sustainable Works really showed us more effective ways of being a green business. All of us are conscientious of being sustainably responsible in our personal lives, so it was not a far stretch to do so at work.

Upon hearing news of the award, Abeer said, “Receiving a SQA Grand Prize award is very gratifying, and we appreciate this recognition. We hope that every business in every city strives for being as sustainable as possible. Even the smallest of actions can help because eventually all of those actions add up to a greater whole.”

We hope that you join us at the awards ceremony virtual event that will be held on Wednesday, April 27th, 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Register and purchase tickets to the event by clicking here.
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