The Art and Design of Feng Shui
Courtesy of Pinterest
The Art and Design of Feng Shui
by Sweiskloss Staff
January 25, 2024
by Sweiskloss Staff
January 25, 2024
- Keep your front door clean and place objects, like plants and light fixtures, in a balanced way on either side of the door to draw in energy;
- Clutter is a huge no-no, especially in hallways; Clearing out or organizing spaces will help you feel less overwhelmed in your physical and mental space. Consider using hidden storage solutions to keep your space clear yet functional;
- Put fresh flowers on display and reflect them in mirrors to optimize positive energy;
- Place lamps in corners diagonally opposite of the door to “activate wealth energy”;
- Don’t block windows. Allow free flow of energy and natural light into rooms to support a happy, energized and enlightened mood;
- Bring nature indoors with plants to harness the calming, purifying and revitalizing qualities of nature;
- Incorporate natural materials such as wood furniture, clay or terracotta planters, etc. as the wood and earth elements are linked to growth and health, and to reduce stress;
- Pay attention to the “commanding position of feng shui”, which dictates that it is best to place a sofa or desk where you have a clear view of the door and of the overall room. This placement will give you a sense of empowerment and control and will help you focus. Similarly, place a bed against a solid wall to provide protection while you sleep and diagonally opposite a door to eliminate negative energy and ensure a restful sleep. And we all know that sleep affects everything from our mood to physical health.